Thursday, August 1, 2013

Monthly Solution Examples

I hope everyone had a great summer. Mine was spent architecting an addition to a spiritual center in New Hampshire. Of course after the design I ended up helping with the construction, so no vacation trips except to Southern New Hampshire.

As we enter fall I figured it was time to talk about Real Time Visual Indicators in Calc
Sometimes a spreadsheet is just a blur of numbers and if there is a computation error or inputs that
are out of bounds you need to visually and in real time let the user know there is a issue....More

Here is a late July programming example on building Complex Dialogs. The code is based on a task manager tool I created in Calc, but the discussion is on a programming technique to use flags....More

In May I offered a simple calc example on how to program a macro to label a set of columns and how to set the column widths....See More

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