About Erik

Erik started his engineering career at Digital Equipment Corporation with the debug and design of analog and digital computer hardware. In mid 1985 he started working on a knowledge representation R&D program, which shifted his career from hardware and systems development into developing software and software application systems.

In 1989, he and another senior engineer could foresee the eventual downsizing coming to Digital and they landed a very large and profitable software development contract  with a Japanese firm. Towards the end of this two year project they looked around the corporation and saw a market opportunity to offer custom software migrations of application systems to the then new Alpha systems. This business within a business kept more than 30 engineers and support folks gainfully employed for more than a decage.  It was during this time, Erik began automating quality systems, contract documentation, software migration job estimates, and marketing packages with MS Office macro applications, Visual Basic, Access, MS Sql.

In 2005, after surviving the Compaq and HP acquistitions  Erik took an early retirement package from Hewlett Packard and began independent consulting. In 2010 Erik switched from MS Office to OpenOffice applications and began creating OpenOffice macros and OpenOffice automation solutions.

Erik is also a Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong instructor, a licensed massage therapist, and a teacher of various holistic healing practices.
His massage and holistic healing business is A Time to Heal

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